The Kickapoo Nutrition Program serves nutritious meals to Native and Non-native elders, ages 50 on up. There’s a $5 charge for those who are ages 13-49, $3 for ages 4-12, and FREE to children 3 and under as well as to those who transport elders.
We serve two traditional meals twice a month, and during the Elder Club meeting, we have a potluck where all members bring a side dish.
We also provide monthly activities on- and off-site of the KTO Nutrition Program as well as celebrate the holiday seasons with a nutritious Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.
The mission of the Kickapoo Tribe Nutrition Program is to assist all Kickapoo Tribal Elders by providing a Nutritious meal throughout the week. Our employees are committed to providing our elders with a positive community and a sense of fellowship.
8 - 11:45am
Open to our elders.
10:30 - 11:45am
Meals are delivered off-site to our elders.
12 - 1pm
Lunch is served on-site to our elders.
KTO NP employees clean and prepare for the following day.
8 - 9am
Open to our elders.
9 - 10am
Breakfast is served on-site to our elders.
10:30am - 2pm
KTO NP employees clean and prepare for the following week.