The Community Outreach Program has provided travel assistance of various types, emergency assistance, lodging assistance and financial assistance to assist traditional homeowners with the upkeep of their traditional homes in the past years.
The Community Outreach department was established to provide various types of assistance to our Kickapoo people. The program is to provide support and preserve the Kickapoo Traditions and Culture in all its forms and encourage our Kickapoo tribal members by cultivating an interest in our culture through Community Outreach. The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma will have applications for travel and lodging available during office hours at the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma offices to provide assistance for Traditional Ceremonies in Oklahoma, Texas, and Mexico.
►Traditional Assistance
Assistance is provided to our Clan Leaders, Assistant Clan Leaders, Warriors, and Singers/Cooks who are called to prepare for the conduction and participation in Tribal Ceremonies and Functions.
Lodging is provided to Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma enrolled members over the age of 18 only for Medical Emergencies, Natural Disasters, and attendance of ceremonial functions. All lodging is approved through the Community Outreach Coordinator and Business Committee at their discretion.
Travel for Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma enrolled tribal members who are over the age of 18 may request assistance for only Medical Emergencies and attendance of traditional ceremonies in Texas or Mexico.
►Traditional Homeowners Assistance
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Traditional Homeowners may receive assistance to improve their established Traditional Home. Assistance includes needed materials, food, and fuel to aid all the individuals involved in assisting with the building of the Traditional Home.
Enrolled Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma or Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas member
18 Years or Older
CDIB and/or Driver’s License
Applications must be submitted at the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Administrative Office
No applications will be accepted by fax, mail or another individual.