The mission of the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Child Support Program is to encourage parental and financial security for children by providing services to families who need assistance to establish paternity or to establish and enforce Child Support.
The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Child Support Program strives to work in the best interest of the child. We work with all parties in a collaborative, supportive and neutral manner. Child Support is more than just money; it is about assisting the family in ensuring all the needs of the children and family are met. We believe our children are out most viral resource for the future of our tribe. We advocate for consistent Child Support from the parents as it is a vital component in ensuring children are cared for, nurtured, and protected.
On July 1, 2009, the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma was Awarded a “Start Up” award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This award allowed the tribe to design and plan a child support program to meet the needs of the community.
On October 24, 2011, the program was approved by the Department of Health and Human Services to enter into the comprehensive stage.
Being awarded the comprehensive award gives the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma the opportunity to begin serving the many families who need help with establishing and enforcing child support.
This program provides child support services that will include but are not limited to: establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support orders, establishing paternity, initiating legal action, appealing orders necessary to fulfill child support hearings and/or proceedings, collecting child support from noncustodial parents and distributing collected child support to custodial parents.
Applications are readily available through the following link. They can also be picked up in our office or mailed upon request.
Departmental Programs
The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Child Support Program is a federally funded IV-D program that can assist with the following:
Kickapoo children under the age of majority living within the boundaries of the Kickapoo Tribe lands are eligible to receive Child Support services.
A Kickapoo child under the age of majority is defined as a person under the age of 20 year sold, who has not graduated from high school and is regularly attending public or private school.
We can generally assist any Native American family if they are willing to submit to Kickapoo Tribal Court jurisdiction and reside within the jurisdictional service area.
The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Child Support Program is a federally funded IV-D program that can assist with the following:
• Establish Paternity
• Locate noncustodial parents
• Establish Child Support orders
• Modify existing Child Support orders
• Enforce Child Support obligations