ICW has been established to provide services and help to tribal children who have been neglected, abused, and are in need of services for their wellbeing. The Kickapoo Indian Child Welfare has four staff members. We have the ICW Director, CPS/Prevention Worker, Foster Care Worker and Tribal Caseworker. Kickapoo Indian Child Welfare is responsible for the well-being and safety of Kickapoo Children and any native child that resides on tribal trust land. KTO ICW also provides oversight in cases that are going through state court or out-of-state court.
Family Preservation Family Preservation is for children who are deemed at risk of being removed or placed into custody by ICW, DHS and or Court. Families can be referred to family preservation services through court direction, DHS direction, ICW and or may come in on their own accord to seek help to prevent their children from being removed.
Family Preservation services are a case-by-case situation. Each case will be required to go through an intake process in which a voluntary service plan will be developed to help bring stability and safety into the home. The family may also be required to a home visit by an ICW prevention worker.
Family Preservation Services are in place to keep children from coming into the custody of ICW or DHS.
Provide all required documentation: CDIB, Bills, Check Stubs, lease agreements, SSI or SSD award letters, TANF award letter, and any other document requested after intake.
CDIB cards for every person in the household.
If you are not Kickapoo but enrolled with another tribe you must reside within the Kickapoo Service area.
Participate and follow recommendations from the prevention worker.
ICW certifies homes as foster care placements to care for tribal children who have been removed from their homes due to court intervention. KTO ICW is consistently looking for foster homes to help foster Kickapoo children when placed into custody. Foster parents can be single, married, men or women who are able to provide a safe, stable home for a child. Foster parents must undergo an assessment process that includes a thorough background check, financial assessment and be able to provide a stable, loving environment for a child.
Be at least 21 years of age
Have healthy relationships whether married, single separated or divorce
Be able to manage personal and household financial needs without foster care reimbursement.
Pass all required background checks for every person in the home 18 years and older
State of Oklahoma Background Check (OSBI)
DHS Child Welfare Background Check (CANIS)
Federal background checks (Fingerprints)
Backgrounds from the state where you previously resided
Have means of transportation
Provide appropriate sleeping arrangements for each child placed and any bio children in the home.
Be in a good mental and physical Health
Provide references
Complete training in a timely manner
Comply with KTO Foster Care Program rules on discipline
Be able to work as part of a team with KTO ICW.
There are times when reunification does not occur. Indian Child Welfare first seeks relatives who are able to keep the children within the extended family. If there are no family members available, we determine placement with tribal members or tribal-approved foster homes. The requirements of being an adoptive home are the same as that of a foster home. Every child needs a forever family.
TEENLINE (Noon-Midnight)
1-800-522-TEEN (8336)
1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663)
1-800-POISON (764-7661)
SAFECALL HOTLINE (School Violence)
1-877-723-3225, Ext. 651
SAFELINE (Rape & Domestic Violence)
1-800-522-SAFE (7233)
1-800-273-TALK (8255)